Learn from professionals: the art of operating band saws

Do you want to achieve optimum sawing results with your band saw and also increase your productivity? Then you should look into the subject of operation, i.e. training. Because correct handling, appropriate machine settings and important tips and tricks from experts can help you make decisive progress. In our blog post, we look at the art of sawing and explain why band saw training actually starts much earlier…

1 What is important when operating a band saw?

To achieve optimum results, it is essential to avoid sources of error. It is therefore important to first familiarize yourself with the machine and master the basic steps. Safety precautions must be observed to avoid injury. This includes, for example, wearing protective clothing such as gloves and safety goggles. One of the biggest sources of error is incorrect machine settings. It is important to set the saw blade tension, the cutting depth and the fence correctly. The choice of the right band saw blade also plays a decisive role in the result. Another source of error can be uncontrolled work. Control over the saw cut can be maintained by precise guidance of the workpiece and regular checking of the cut. With these general methods, anyone can become a professional with a band saw and master any challenge.

2 What are the advantages of a MEBA band saw?

When you choose a MEBA band saw, you not only get a machine that is optimally tailored to your sawing tasks. We will teach you all the steps mentioned above as part of a training course. You do not have to worry about obtaining the information yourself. Our experts will come to your company as part of the commissioning process and train you or your employees. Thorough and, above all, practical training ensures that optimum results are achieved on the metal band sawing machine and that productivity is increased. The people who will later work on the machine can ask all relevant questions during the in-house training on topics such as: cutting performance, saw guide, saw blade change, feed speed, clamping devices, suction, alignment of the material, adjustment, cutting techniques for different materials and much more. The sawing in of the saw band is also explained. Exercises are actively performed. Because as you know, the questions come when you’re doing something. The training also includes material science. Depending on the metals and steels you are processing, different settings are required for different material thicknesses. You can get information on cutting techniques for curves and straight lines. Our specialists will give you an overview of safety guidelines, possible dangers when sawing and occupational safety. Regardless of whether you are a newcomer or an “old hand”, i.e. whether you are a beginner or an advanced user – such training simply makes you fit to handle a band saw and brings great added value. You never stop learning, even in metalworking! MEBA training can take place not only during commissioning. Do you have new employees or want to learn something new yourself? The MEBA specialists can be booked at any time and come on site for training. Training can also be booked as part of maintenance. In addition to on-site training, MEBA also regularly offers webinars on how to use the metal band saws or on special topics. Valuable practical tips from professionals and tricks from the world of sawing are part of these webinars. This can involve topics such as the use of the right tool or recommendations for the right saw blade, micro-dosing system and water cooling, devices and aids and much more. So you can also actively train yourself and your employees online. And did you already know? MEBA also offers a practical cutting data calculator, which can be a valuable aid for your everyday sawing work by giving you individual recommendations for cutting speed, feed rate, cutting performance and tooth pitch of the saw blade. We have explained above how important the settings are for a good cutting result and a longer service life of the band saw blade. Also included in the cutting data calculator: a quick overview of 10 different material groups and 8 different profiles.

3. can you do anything else for successful sawing with a band saw?

The answer is yes. Opt for a quality product. This may be a little absurd for some people, but the topic of training when sawing steel and metals of all kinds actually starts before you buy a band saw. How is that meant? Good manufacturers of steel saws ensure right from the development stage that their machines are easy to operate and include many technical features that ensure quality, process reliability and speed. Only then can it be guaranteed that consistently optimum results can be achieved and that precise cuts and economical processes can be continuously achieved. At the beginning of this blog post, we looked at the key points for operating a band saw. But for us, the topic of education and training goes much further. Whether simple band saws or highly complex, digitized sawing systems, we at MEBA have set ourselves the goal of keeping our machines intuitive to operate. The bandsaw machines should deliver consistent quality results, no matter who is operating them. We are aware of the challenge posed by the shortage of skilled workers and want you as a user to be able to focus on things other than the overly complicated operation of a production machine. On the contrary, with our principle of user-oriented sawing solutions, we pursue the goal of offering not only safety and precision in the sawing process, but also the greatest possible flexibility in terms of employee deployment.

4. good service supports top sawing results

We go one step further: Just as the design and development of a bandsaw can contribute to successful handling, the same applies to service. You may not immediately associate the topic of service with training. But for us at MEBA, these topics are closely linked. This still applies: Good training in handling and operating a saw is very valuable. But let’s be honest – not everyone can be an absolute expert in everything. That’s why we at MEBA have designed our service offerings so that you as a user can benefit from them. Your business should run smoothly and seamlessly. You should be able to work easily and simply. However, you don’t have to complete half a degree for this and you certainly don’t have to familiarize yourself with the smallest details. If a question or problem arises, you don’t want to spend a lot of time troubleshooting or trying to fix it yourself. In Germany in particular, we provide you with outstanding quality services and service packages. The various packages are based on a three-stage model. Depending on the level, warranty periods, target response times, included services and options are included. The aim is to keep MEBA saws productive and powerful for the entire service life of the machine. The commissioning of a system marks the start of a partnership that gives you access to a whole package of services. In other words, the packages can also be seen as a kind of preventive maintenance.

5. digital services take you to the next level

If you opt for digitalized sawing solutions from MEBA, you benefit from even more unconventional, very fast support with the help of remote maintenance. Questions about machine status, order processing, troubleshooting and problem solving can be dealt with externally by our specialists without the need for them to come to your plant with a time delay. Your advantages are obvious: you can and do not have to be the absolute specialist, but can identify and rectify faults remotely with a short response time. Machine availability is increased and the company’s own delivery performance is improved. And yes, we are still talking about operating a band saw. The MEBA postprocessor is a digital solution for simple machine operation. The postprocessor can be used to create sawing programs from the customer’s own software and transfer them to the MEBA control system. The programs only need to be called up on the machine itself. No special qualification is required. The postprocessor increases productivity, secures the process by avoiding errors and saves time. It ultimately ensures greater flexibility in personnel planning. And isn’t that exactly what supports you in your production? There are many other options for digitizing sawing machines, about which you can read a lot of information on the MEBA homepage or in our articles and blogs. It is very important to us to emphasize how closely all of this is linked to machine operation, training and, ultimately, the goal of it all: the smooth, productive running of the sawing process in metal processing.

6. conclusion:

Make sawing easy for yourself.

Good training on how to use your bandsaw will make life much easier for you and your employees in day-to-day production. With the right methods and techniques, many sawing tasks can be mastered effortlessly. It is important to choose the right band saw blade. By setting the machine correctly, you can also optimize the cutting quality and avoid sources of error. It is very important to familiarize yourself with the protective measures. It may sound banal, but the emergency stop button also needs to be found quickly and the necessary protective clothing must be worn. With good instruction, a little practice and patience, you will quickly become a professional in the use of a MEBA metal bandsawing machine. In addition to training, you should think about which technical features will help you to operate a machine easily before buying a new bandsaw. Make sure you choose a quality saw, it will pay off in the long run. Think about modern, networked solutions. They make a valuable contribution to your everyday sawing work. The same applies to good service from the band saw manufacturer. The better the service offerings, the less effort for you. A simple, digital and service-supported band sawing machine gives you maximum flexibility when deploying employees in your business.